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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!



The Team is Miss Dineen, Mr Goegan, Mrs Worrall and Miss Iqbal. 


Autumn 1

Learning Journey

In the Autumn term, we will be looking at the Victorians as part of our History topic, we will base our learning around the global theme Power and Governance. This will also link with our geography work looking at our local area and the impact of the British Empire around the world. As part of our immersion into this topic we will use quality texts, clips and P4C lessons to see what life was like for Victorian people. We will then explore deeper into the theme of power and link it to the present day.


This half term in maths we will be revisiting place value as well as consolidating arithmetic methods covered in Y5. All children need to know their times tables and should be practising them at home. Weekly arithmetic tests will be completed on a Friday to improve children’s knowledge and stamina in correct methods. 


We will be writing a narrative this half term based on the book Wild Boy. This book is an exciting text that follows the life of a boy who is a carnival attraction set in the Victorian era. Our Book study text will be the Wolf Wilder which will link to our theme on Power and Governance.


Home Learning

  • SATs Companion
  • IXL
  • Home reading 
  • Spelling shed
  • Timetable Rockstars

Reading at least 4 times a week.

Practise on IXL, TT Rockstars, Spelling Shed.

Y5 and Y6 children are given a school laptop to use at home and in school.

Homework is set every Friday for the children to access on their laptops through SATS Companion and IXL. Homework completion is reviewed by the class teacher on a Wednesday and reminders are given.

Homework must be completed by Thursday.

School Updates


Please make sure that you are signed into your child’s Dojo account to receive the latest information from school.

For your information

  • PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday (Class 14) or Tuesday and Thursday (Class 15)
  • Correct school and PE uniform is needed. 
  • Please could you make sure that your child has a water bottle in school.

Please make sure your child attends school as every day counts.  
