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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!




Welcome to our Year 3 page!


  The team is Miss Yates, Mrs Cain, Miss Olive & Mrs Saeed. 



Welcome to the Y3 page


This first Autumn half-term, our global theme is Identity and Diversity.

Our big investigative question this half term is Can we identify ourselves in early man?


In History and Geography, we will be studying the Stone Age – how early humans lived by hunting and gathering; following the movement of animals in order to source food, how they developed tools and weapons and then begin to look at the discovery of bronze which then led to the use of metals. We will study the locations of Cresswell Crags and other Stone Age settlement sites, changing land use and fieldwork skills including four figure grid referencing.

In DT, we will be designing, making a mock up of seasonal tartlet while looking at nutrition and seasonal foods. As throughout the year Y3 will have the chance to cook. 

In RE we will be learning about what makes us human. We will reflect on the beliefs and practices of different religions.


Science sees us learning about rocks and soils. This includes the make up of the Earth, the three different types of rocks and then making observations of different rocks to group them according to observable features.


Book Study

In Book Study, we will be reading some non-fiction texts including excerpts from Live Like a Hunter Gather and The ways of a Wolf. These texts will enhance our knowledge of the Stone Age. Our higher level reading text is Stig of the Dump, which we will be using to develop our comprehension skills. We will continue with our fluency lessons to improve our oracy with poems from Paul Cookson’s anthology of poems – 100 Brilliant Poems for Children.



Maths will see develop our understanding of place value to 4 figures. We will also be extending our addition and subtraction skills, engaging in reasoning and problem solving as well as our mastery and fluency skills.   


We will be writing a narrative piece based on The Boy with the Broze Axe by Kathleen Fidler. We will practise using speech marks and commas as well as more complex sentence structures and a range of Y3 punctuation to build up a description and atmosphere of walking through a prehistoric village.



PE is on Mondays and Fridays (the proper PE uniform of a plain white top and plain black bottoms is necessary, no earrings or tights please!). Children should come wearing their PE kit. This half-term we will focus on fundamental and team building skills.

Book bags

Please make sure that you have a red book bag which should come to school every day. Books will be changed on Fridays. Book bags can be purchased for a small fee from the school office.



  • Spelling (every Friday for a Friday test the following week). Assignments for practising also set on Spelling Shed.


  • Times tables – 3s, 4s, 8s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Please learn these inside out so that your child can answer any times table question in any order. You will also need to learn division facts for the times tables too. There is a times tables test each Friday in class.


  • Please use TT Rockstars and other online games (for example Top Marks, Hit the Button) to practise. Your child also has an IXL login to practise maths learnt in class.


  •  If you cannot find any of your child’s logins, we are happy to give them to you again or support you to get onto the games at home.


Looking forward to a great first Autumn Half-Term with Year 3!


Miss Yates, Mrs Cain, Mrs Saeed, Miss Olive and Mr Sutton.

The Y3 Team
