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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!




Welcome to our Year 3 page!


  The team is Miss Yates, Mrs Cain, Miss Armitage, Miss Olive & Mrs Saeed. 



Summer Half Term


This first Summer half-term, our global theme is Social Justice and Equity.  

Our big investigative question this half term is: How were human rights denied in Europe during WWII?  


In History and Geography, we continue to study WWII looking now at the impact of war on Europe and the Geographical and Historical reasons for the invasion of different countries by the Axis. We will look - at an age-appropriate level  - at the human rights that were devastated due to Nazi oppression. Our visit to Eden Camp in Malton will bring to life the children’s learning as they take part in interactive experiences and handle artefacts from WWII! 


In DT, we will be designing, making and evaluating a castle using 3d shapes, and creating our own nets to support the structure.


In RE we will be learning about the symbolism of water and its use in religious ceremony across different faiths.


Science sees us learning about light and reflections – we will be exploring what light is and how it works. We will explore and observe how shadows move and change and how light is reflected.



Book Study

In Book Study, we will be reading some non-fiction including excerpts from a graphic novel about WWII – Utterly Unbelievable World War II by Adam Frost.  Our main text is The House at the Edge of Magic by Amy Sparkes. This book is fizzing with fun and is a fantasy book with great characters and plenty of twists and turns. 

We will continue with our fluency lessons to improve our oracy and comprehension skills.                         



Maths will see us continue our journey with fractions. We will be learning to add and subtract unit and non-unit fractions. We will also be converting pounds and pence and finding change. We will also cover time including telling time to the minute, including Roman Numerals and plenty of reasoning questions. 



We will be writing a narrative piece based on The Night Bus Hero by Onjali Q Raúf. We will practise using speech marks and fronted adverbials as well as more complex sentence structures and a range of Y3 punctuation to create a dramatic scene where characters are developed and language is used for comic and dramatic effects.  




PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays (the proper PE uniform of a plain white top and plain black bottoms is necessary, no earrings or tights please!). Children should come wearing their PE kit. This half-term we will focus on gymnastics and athletics! 


Please make sure that you have a red book bag which should come to school each day. Books will be changed on Fridays. Book bags can be purchased for a small fee from the school office.




  • Spelling (every Friday for a Friday test the following week). Assignments for practising also set on Spelling Shed.


  • Times tables – 3s, 4s, 8s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Please learn these inside out so that your child can answer any times table question in any order. You will also need to learn division facts for the times tables too. There is a times tables test each Friday in class.
  • Please use TT Rockstars and other online games (for example Top Marks, Hit the Button) to practise. Your child also has an IXL login to practise maths learnt in class.
  •  If you cannot find any of your child’s logins, we are happy to give them to you again or support you to get onto the games at home.

    Looking forward to a great second Spring Half-Term with Year 3!


    Miss Yates, Ms Armitage and Mrs Cain.





This Spring 2 Half-Term, our global theme is Peace and Conflict


Our big investigative question this half term is How did World War II impact on life in our local area?

In History and Geography, we are studying at World War II  and looking at the impact it had on the people living in Darnall, Sheffield, the UK and then the wider world. We will consider the industry in Sheffield and its significance to the country during the war. We will use 8 figure grid references to look at land use during this period and how this has changed over time.


In art, we will be looking at botanical art along with the work by Georgia O’Keefe. We will be making sketches using tone and shade. In RE we will be learning about what happens if we do wrong.



Science sees us learning about plants and their conditions for growth including how and why farmers use fertilisers. We will also make studies over time looking at how water is transported through plants and what happens to a vase of flowers when it is left. We will think about seed dispersal and how far away some new plants grow from their parent plant.


Book Study

In Book Study, we will be reading Shirley Hughes’ The Lion and the Unicorn. This is a heart-warming evacuee story about friendship, bravery and a little bit of magic. We will continue with our fluency lessons, reading and reciting poems and completing our higher level reads with the novel James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.



This half term sees us studying fractions along with money and statistics. We will still be practising our times tables with a key focus on the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8s. Children need to know these off by heart out of order for rapid recall. We will continue to test these on a Friday. Children also need to be able to recall number bonds to and within 20 and 100 and so we will still be reinforcing these with those children who do not have a concrete recall of them.



Our theme for English will be persuasion. We will be using the text Big Tom by Jean Ure which is set during WWII. This will also support our immersion with what life was like during the war. The children will write a letter to their Grandparent persuading them to let them stay with her in the countryside.



PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays (the proper PE uniform of a plain white top and plain black bottoms is necessary, no earrings or tights please!). Children should come wearing their PE kit. This half-term we will focus on gymnastics and athletics!   



Book bags

Please make sure that you have a red book bag which should come to school each day. Books will be changed on Fridays. Book bags can be purchased for a small fee from the school office.




  • Spelling (every Friday for a Friday test the following week). Assignments for practising also set on Spelling Shed.


  • Times tables – 3s, 4s, 8s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Please learn these inside out so that your child can answer any times table question in any order. You will also need to learn division facts for the times tables too. There is a times tables test each Friday in class.


  • Please use TT Rockstars and other online games (for example Top Marks, Hit the Button) to practise. Your child also has an IXL login to practise maths learnt in class.


  •  If you cannot find any of your child’s logins, we are happy to give them to you again or support you to get onto the games at home.


Looking forward to a great second Spring Half-Term with Year 3!


Miss Yates, Ms Armitage and Mrs Cain.

This Spring Half-Term, our global theme is Sustainability



In History and Geography, we are looking at sustainability, natural disasters and the impact of human beings on the Earth. We will take part in fieldwork where we litter pick and devise and carry out a survey on the impact of litter on the local community. In DT, we will be looking at and making pneumatic toys. In RE we will be learning about the scriptures of different religions.




Science sees us learning about forces and magnets. We will look at how forces change the speed of motion. We will investigate how different surfaces create different amounts of friction with a car and a ramp. We will also look at how magnets work and carry out observations and investigations, including making a magnetic game!


Book Study

In Book Study, we will be reading Hannah Gold’s the Last Bear. This is a charming and insightful story about a little girl’s relationship with her lonely, scientist father, a bear and a snowy Antarctic landscape altered forever by climate change. We will continue with our fluency lessons, examining and reading aloud play scripts and the novel James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.





Maths will see us continue our journey with multiplication and division, building our understanding of the 4, and 8 times tables and finding links between the times tables. This will lead us towards a more formal written method of multiplying 2 digit numbers. The children must know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables – please support your child at home to ensure they are fast and fluent in these. 

We will also learn to measure lengths and perimeters of 2D shapes.




In English we will be reading Song of the Dolphin Boy by Elizabeth Laird. The class will be writing an adventure narrative about a sea rescue.

Children will develop their story-telling skills and vocabulary and there will be more writing delivered through transcription. There will be a focus on the use of speech marks, paragraphing and writing for effect through including ambitious descriptive vocabulary and a range of sentence types and styles. Year 3 will begin to consider the readers’ experience as they write and learn to edit written work with increasing independence. We will continue to work on creating neat joined up handwriting using the Martin Harvey handwriting scheme.


PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays (the proper PE uniform of a plain white top and plain black bottoms is necessary, no earrings please!). Children should come wearing their PE kit. This half-term we will focus on dance and orienteering!


Book bags





Please make sure that you have a red book bag which should come to school each day. Books will be changed on Fridays. Book bags can be purchased for a small fee from the school office.





  • Spelling (every Friday for a Friday test the following week).


  • Times tables – 3s, 4s, 8s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Please learn these inside out so that your child can answer any times table question in any order. You will also need to learn division facts for the times tables too. There is a times tables test each Friday in class.


  • Please use TT Rockstars and other online games (for example Top Marks, Hit the Button) to practise. If you cannot find your log in, we are happy to give this to you again or support you to get onto the games at home.


Looking forward to a great Spring Half-Term with Year 3!


Miss Yates, Ms Armitage and Mrs Cain.



Year 3

Autumn  1

Can we identify ourselves in early man?

Identity and Diversity

Learning Journey

In History half term, we will be learning about The Prehistoric Era and people lived in these times. We will discuss what fossils and artefacts can tell us about the lives of prehistoric man. We will be making a visit to Cresswell Crags; a pre-historic settlement. In Geography, we will learn about settlements and the natural resources that attracted pre-historic people to particular places. We will also have the chance to practise our map-reading skills at Cresswell Crags. In computing, we will be learning how to save files and add images to make a poster. We will be using this knowledge to create a poster using our chrome books. The children will learn about ballads during music and will cook and learn about nutrition during DT lessons.   


In maths we will be revisiting what we know about place value and develop our existing knowledge of partitioning by using part-whole models to partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones. We will also be compiling what we already know about addition and subtraction in order to learn new methods.


It is very important that you encourage your child to learn their times tables.

They need to know 2, 5 and 10 times tables as well as 3, 4 and 8s (which are introduced this year).




In English we will be working towards writing a narrative piece of work based around the book The Boy with the Bronze Axe. We will focus on creating a setting description and learn about how to write to entertain a reader and how to use features such as paragraphs, commas and ellipsis correctly.


Book Study

During books study sessions we will study Stig of the Dump and The Hidden House. The children will practise their comprehension skills and begin to use dictionaries accurately.  


We will be learning about rocks, stones and fossils.  We will learn about the different types of rocks and move on to investigating rocks used by prehistoric man and conduct a comparative, fair test to find out which rock type is best for hunting: carving, bashing or cutting.

Home Learning

  • Home reading every day. Every little helps!
  • IXL – maths to practise at home.
  • Spelling shed – logins will be given out.
  • Timestable Rockstars – logins will be given out.

For your information

  • PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays. Correct PE uniform needs to be worn to school that day.
  • Book bags need to come in every day with your child. Children will bring home a reading record to track their reading at home. Please fill this in so we know your child has read.
  • Please make sure that your child has a water bottle in school.
  • Please make sure your child attends school every day. Every day counts. 
  • Class Dojo It is very important that you are connected to Class Dojo and regularly check it. We will send key information using Dojo. You can also use it to message us.