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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!

   The team is Miss Simpson,  Mrs Tasker, Miss Ball, Miss Nicula & Miss Qadoos. 



Welcome to Year 1’s page.


Autumn 1’s half-term is a very busy one, where the children will settle in and begin to transition from a play-based Early Years Curriculum while keeping all the elements that make learning fun and engaging.

Global theme: Power and Governance


How can we make things fair for everyone?

Our focus in history and geography will be learning about our local area. Where is Darnall within Sheffield, England and the UK? The children will be learning about how things have changed in our homes over time. Have telephones always been the same? We will also be focussing on the history of toys. At the end of the half term we will use what we have learnt to make a suitcase of our favourite toys from history.


In English we will be learning about traditional tales including Cinderella, where we will focus on the characters and ordering the story. We will develop the fundamentals of sentences through whole class transcription. In book study we will be reading: The Water Princess and That Rabbit belongs to Emily Brown.




In maths we will be focusing on place value to 20 and addition and subtraction.


Our Science lessons will teach us about our bodies and how our senses help us to enjoy the world around us. We will be exploring all five of our senses through first hand learning experiences.



We will be going for a walk around the local area, focusing on the age of different houses. This will also help us learn about the geography of our local area and how things change in the Autumn. We will also visit Darnall Library every half term as a class, this is a great opportunity for the children to develop a real love for reading.


Home Learning

Reading is the most important thing you can do to help your child learn. Every Friday we will change the children’s reading books.


For your information


Please ensure your child has their book bag and water bottle in school every day.


  • PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure that all children are in the correct P.E uniform. This should be a plain white t-shirt with a round neck (not a school uniform polo shirt), black jogging bottoms or legging and trainers. Hair is tied up and they are not wearing any jewellery. The children should come to school wearing their PE uniform on PE days.


As part of Readmore@Phillimore on Wednesdays  we will be holding a library day. Children who have their book bag will be able to borrow a book.



Family story time is every Friday at 2:55, please come to your child’s classroom to enjoy a story with us all.

Dates for your diary

Wednesday 4th September 2024- children return to school

- meet the teacher, please come to your child’s classroom when you bring them to school in the morning.
