The team is Mr Wray, Miss Dennison, Mrs Mayo and Mrs Naylor.
Summer 1
this half term will be about the physical and human characteristics of Italy. We
will then compare Italy to the UK and explore the similarities and differences. We will look at
the land and explore the name of rivers, mountains and other aspects of the physical
geography of each country.
During maths lessons we will be:
Gaining a deeper understanding about
fractions including adding and subtracting
Learning about decimals including adding,
subtracting and rounding decimals.
Learning how to calculate involving money.
In June 2024 there is a Y4 National Times
tables test. Therefore, your child will be
expected to know all their times tables (1-12)
and be able to answer each question within 6
seconds. We will be giving your children lots of
support with this.
English This half term we are reading the book, Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Raúf. We will be using this story as a stimulus for writing a narrative. Our book study text is Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll. It relates back to our learning on the Egyptians from eariler in the year. We will learn inference, prediction, retrieval and imagination skills related to the story that we read. Science For this half term in Science we will be learning about states of matter. This includes learning about solids, liquids and gases.
Home Learning
Please make sure that you are signed into your
child’s Dojo account to receive the latest
information from school. We also encourage:
· TT Rockstars
· Home reading
We have a weekly leaderboard for IXL and
the top 5 children each week earn dojos for
their hard work at home. For your information PE is on Mondays (swimming) and Thursdays and the correct PE uniform is needed. This is a white t-shirt and suitable footwear. Children are asked to come to school in their PE kit. So far we have done football, basketball, cricket, gymnastics and we are preparing a dance for the schools dance share this half term. On Mondays, children need their swimming kit underneath their uniform and can bring a towel and underwear in their swimming bag
Spring 1
Geography and History
Our geography this half term will be about sustainable development and how we can be environmentally responsible. We will learn about climate change and how global warming affects Europe. We will also be able to interpret maps in order to learn the names of countries and capital cities of Europe.
During maths lessons we will be covering:
Multiplication – focus on short multiplication
In June 2024 there is a Y4 National Times tables test. Therefore, your child will be expected to know all their times tables (1-12) and be able to answer each question within 6 seconds. We will be giving your children lots of support with this.
Before the holidays, your child received their TT Rockstars and IXL passwords again. If it is possible at home, please give your child time to practise on these websites/apps.
This half term we are reading the book, When the Mountains Roared by Jess Butterworth. We will be using this story as a stimulus for writing a short story based on the book and learning how to use adjectives, fronted adverbials, feelings, apostrophes and how to vary sentence lengths for effect.
When the Mountains Roared is also our book study text and this story will help us become more fluent readers. We will learn inference, prediction, retrieval and imagination skills related to the story that we read.
Home Learning
Please make sure that you are signed into your child’s Dojo account to receive the latest information from school.
We also encourage your child to practise:
Home reading – children are allowed to borrow books from the classroom providing them inform their teacher.
For your information
PE is on Mondays (swimming) and Thursdays and the correct PE uniform is needed. This is a white t-shirt and suitable footwear. Children are asked to come to school in their PE kit. So far we have done football and basketball and will be doing gymnastics this half term.
On Mondays, children need their swimming kit underneath their uniform (please make sure they DO NOT have their underwear on underneath) and can bring a towel and underwear in their swimming bag.
Autumn 2
How is Egypt different geographically to the United Kingdom?
Our geography this half term will focus on comparing the physical landscapes of Egypt and the United Kingdom (U.K.). We will look at the features of a river and the how the water cycle works. Additionally, we will explore the River Nile (Cairo, Egypt) and the River Don (Sheffield, England) and compare the impact of flooding in each of these countries.
During maths lessons we will be covering:
In June 2024 there is a Y4 National Times tables test. Therefore, your child will be expected to know all their times tables (1-12) and be able to answer each question within 6 seconds. We will be giving your children lots of support with this.
Last half term your child received their TT Rockstars and IXL passwords. If it is possible at home, please give your child time to practise on these websites/apps.
This half term we will be exploring non-chronological reports. We will use the book Eye of the Wolf by Daniel Pennac as well as research in non-fiction books and videos to learn information about wolves. We will then write a report focused on wolves.
We will be looking at year 4 specific grammar expectations as part of the writing sequence and teaching spelling and handwriting as part of our English lessons.
For book study, we are reading The House with Chicken Legs by Sophie Anderson. All texts will be used to support the global curriculum topic of Identity and Diversity.
For your information
PE is on Mondays (swimming) and Thursdays and the correct PE uniform is needed. This is a white t-shirt and suitable footwear. Children are asked to come to school in their PE kit.
On Mondays, children can come to school with their swimming kit underneath their uniform (please make sure they DO NOT have their underwear on underneath) and can bring a towel and underwear in their swimming bag.
Please make sure that your child has a water bottle in school every day.
Home Learning
Please make sure that you are signed into your child’s Dojo account to receive the latest information from school. We also encourage:
Autumn 1
Geography and History
Our geography and history this half term will be about life in Ancient Egypt. We will be learning about important events, the social triangle, mummification, gods and hieroglyphs as well as using artefacts to tell us about life at that time.
During maths lessons we will be covering:
Place value
In June 2024 there is a Y4 National Times tables test. Therefore, your child will be expected to know all their times tables (1-12) and be able to answer each question within 6 seconds. We will be giving your children lots of support with this.
In the next week your child will receive their TT Rockstars and IXL passwords again. If it is possible at home, please give your child time to practise on these websites/apps.
This half term we will be writing a narrative inspired by The Egyptian Cinderella by Shirley Climo. This will link with our question, ‘What is power and how do people get it?’ as we explore the hierarchy of Ancient Egyptian life. We will also be developing our reading skills with a non-fiction text, 100 Facts – Ancient Egypt by Miles Kelly.
We will be looking at year 4 specific grammar expectations as part of the writing sequence and spellings from the year 3 and 4 word list.
For book study, we are looking at A Mummy Ate My Homework by Thiago de Moraes. All texts will be used to support the global curriculum topic of Power and Governance.
Home Learning
Please make sure that you are signed into your child’s Dojo account to receive the latest information from school. We also encourage:
For your information
PE is on Mondays (swimming) and Fridays and the correct PE uniform is needed. This is a white t-shirt and suitable footwear. Children are asked to come to school in their PE kit.
On Mondays, children can come to school with their swimming kit underneath their uniform (please make sure they DO NOT have their underwear on underneath) and can bring a towel and underwear in their swimming bag.
Please make sure that your child has a water bottle in school every day.