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What is Geography?

Geography is the study of diverse people and places on Earth and their relationship with one another


Geography at Phillimore

Geography is where Phillimore pupils find and grow their curiosity about the world and its peoples. Our children have family, friends and connections all over the world.  We aim to evolve the ‘cultural capital’, that is unique to Phillimore children. Through a high-quality Geography education, we progress knowledge and skills year- on-year so that children develop a deepening understanding of the relationship between physical and human, landscapes and environments. 

We are lucky to live here in the greenest industrial city in the UK! So, we exploit the important geographical resources on our doorstep, including the city of Sheffield; our local area with its bustling industrial past; and the Peak District. We also study global Geography, biomes and areas of the world that are meaningful to the children and support their study of History and R.E. 

Children experience, a special themed ‘Humanities Week’ each year, where work in Geography is show-cased for other year groups, parents and staff to enjoy and learn from!



Geographers in all year-groups are given fieldwork experiences outdoors. This helps them to build important hands-on skills – including data collection, observations, taking measurements, improving locational awareness, map-reading and compass work. 

Geography is taught every half-term as part of our Learning Journey and appears as stand-alone lessons as well as being taught as part of the other humanities subjects.


National curriculum and Essentials curriculum links

Context Maps

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