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Sport Premium spend 15/16

What does the 2015/16 Funding mean for my School?


2013 – 2015

According to staff needs identified through the July 2013 audit, during 2013/14 86% of funding was spent on up-skilling teaching staff. As staff increased their subject knowledge, confidence and competence to deliver PE, during 2014/15 72% of funding was spent on up-skilling staff. Each teacher received CPD in at least four units of work (24 lessons). In July 2015, a further audit was used to assess confidence and the results (see Staff Training tab) indicate year on year improvements.


2015 – 2016

Funding will be targeted strategically at individual teachers in areas they have requested CPD. It is therefore anticipated that 53% of funding will be spent on up-skilling teachers. As improvements occur in teaching and learning, funding focus will move to targeting health and well-being. Teachers will work alongside deliverers so that new programmes become sustainable.


At Phillimore Primary School , we have split the funding into the three key areas for consideration: Physical Education, Healthy Active Lifestyles and Competitive Sport. We will spend our external funding (which this year includes the PE and Sport Premium grant: forecast £9,740, the continuation of an Awards for All Grant: £9832 and a C4L grant: £988) on the following which will boost our existing programmes.


Physical Education:

Raising standards of all our children

in Physical Education






Increase staff subject knowledge and confidence in PE


A strategic approach to CPD across the school to support the development of PE and Sport

Staff deliver high quality PE lessons


Based on a skills/knowledge audit conducted July 2015, teaching staff where requested (FS1 to Y6) to receive support (CPD) working alongside PE specialists to deliver high quality lessons in at least one area of activity (Dance, Gymnastics, Games)






forecast £4,500

Staff have a good understanding of PE, Sport and Physical Activity




School SEF includes accurate information on teaching and learning in PE

3 staff meetings with a PE and Sport focus led by PE co-ordinator to provide training to raise confidence and competence in teaching and assessment in PE and school sport

PE co-ordinator to deliver training to MDSs

PE lesson observations carried out by PE co-ordinator








forecast £700

All staff use standardised form of assessment in PE

Working with staff, the PE co-ordinator to develop a system of assessment which will inform parents, teachers and support staff and secondary schools



forecast £250



Healthy Active Lifestyles:

Ensuring all our children have access to regular exercise






Increase fitness levels for all pupils



activity levels for all, appealing to a wider range of pupils









Increase understanding of link between health and lifestyle/diet

Pupils’ health and wellbeing improved impacting positively on whole school improvement

A fitness programme developed for every pupil from FS1 to Y6 with staff and parental/carer involvement and support




Increased number of pupils have access to active playtimes and after school clubs

Cricket/Netball/Rugby/multi-skills after school clubs with external coaches





Programme of Balance Ability for younger pupils in Early Years included in planning

All FS2 pupils follow programme of Balance Ability to introduce/increase biking skills and awareness of safety




Local facilities used as an ‘Awards for All’ funded project to signpost both parent and child to physical activities run outside the remit of school

March 2015 onwards set up Athletics, Basketball, Rounders clubs at the EISS with external coaches and members of school staff culminating in a festival for parents






Pupils’ health and wellbeing improved impacting positively on whole school improvement

PE co-ordinator to work alongside class teachers and parents/carers to deliver programmes on healthy eating.

Leadership programmes delivered including 1st Aid







Competitve School Sport:


Increasing pupils’ participation in extra- curricular sport





Increase opportunities for competitive sport for all pupils

Improved numbers including pupils not currently participating in competitive sport

Staffing/transport to enable pupils to participate in inter school sports festivals and competition



