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What is MFL?

Modern Foreign Languages encompass all languages, aside from English, which are spoken and used in different countries around the world. The term ‘Modern Languages’ is used to distinguish between the languages spoken today and ‘Classical languages’. Therefore, ‘Modern languages’ do not include languages such as Latin or Ancient Greek because they are no longer commonly practised

French at Phillimore


At Phillimore we teach a foreign language (French) to all our KS2 children as part of our normal school curriculum. We believe that a Modern Foreign Language prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are often carried out in languages other than English. The rise of international commerce means that pupils need to be equipped with the skills needed by the international workplace. Increased capability in the use of MFL promotes initiative, confidence and independent learning and encourages diversity within society.

Aims and Objectives:

The aims and objectives of learning a modern foreign language in primary school are:

• To foster an interest in learning other languages;

• To introduce young children to another language in a way that is enjoyable and fun;

• To make young children aware that language has a structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another;

• To help children develop their awareness of cultural differences in other countries;

• To develop their speaking and listening skills.


KS2 children have a 1 hour lesson of French a week, in order to ensure progression and skills development. The curriculum that is followed is based on the guidance given in the revised National Curriculum, using the La jolie Ronde scheme of work as a basis. The children are taught to know and understand how to:

• Ask and answer questions;

• Use correct pronunciation and intonation;

• Interpret meaning;

• Work in pairs and groups, and communicate in French;

• Look at life in another culture.

During French sessions children are given the opportunity to work as a class, as individuals and as part of a group. The choice of class organisation is determined by the learning task. By its nature MFL will involve lots of interaction with visual, auditory and kinaesthetic prompts. There will be a balanced coverage of speaking and listening, reading and writing activities.

Inclusion: All KS2 pupils shall have the opportunity to develop MFL capability. In addition to French, efforts are made to ensure that languages used at home by our EAL students are recognised in class.


Assessment, Recording and Reporting:

Most assessment is formative and is used to support teaching and learning and inform future planning. The teacher will assess the children's progress in the target language based on their achievement of the learning objectives in lessons.




Monitoring is carried out by the DH and the subject lead. This can take place in many ways:


• Informal discussion with staff and pupils


• Work sampling


• Classroom observation

National curriculum and Essentials curriculum links


Context Maps

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Subject progression Document

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