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School Attendance Meeting

School Attendance Meeting.


You may be asked to come to a meeting in school if your child's attendance is too low or there is a worrying pattern of absence.


The meeting will be held with Mrs Sutton, Mrs Blakemore, Mrs Briggs, or Mrs Crothers and will take just 10-15 minutes.

It is your chance to tell us about anything that may stop you from bringing your child to school every day. You will also be told how your child feels about school and if they have any worries about it. If you would like to, you can bring someone with you to the meeting.


An agreement for improved attendance will be made with you at the meeting. And you may be told that we will not authorise absence without evidence. This can be a note from the doctor, an appointment slip, a text, or a prescription. We will also try to find ways to support you to improve your child's attendance.


If you cannot come to a meeting, you must tell us so that another time and date can be agreed upon.


Eventually, the meeting will go ahead, even if you don't come. 


After the meeting, we will monitor your child's attendance closely. If there is no improvement or attendance worsens, you will be invited to a second meeting; you can find an explanation about this meeting via the link below.


You should expect to talk about your child's attendance as part of any meeting you have in school, including;

  • Parents Evenings
  • SEN review meetings




